
Friday, December 18, 2009

Passing time by JavaScript

This script shows the passing time from the date you desire

<title>Passing time</title>

<script type="text/javascript">
var from_date = "Dec 18, 2009 12:00:00"; // Set the date from which the passing time will be shown

var d = new Date();
var current_time = d.getTime();

var from_time = Date.parse(from_date);

var diference_in_milliseconds = current_time - from_time;

var passed_days = diference_in_milliseconds/1000/60/60/24;
passed_days = parseInt(passed_days.toString());

rest_milliseconds = diference_in_milliseconds - passed_days*24*60*60*1000;

var passed_hours = rest_milliseconds/1000/60/60;
passed_hours = parseInt(passed_hours.toString());

rest_milliseconds = rest_milliseconds - passed_hours*60*60*1000;

var passed_minutes = rest_milliseconds/1000/60;
passed_minutes = parseInt(passed_minutes.toString());

rest_milliseconds = rest_milliseconds - passed_minutes*60*1000;

var passed_seconds = rest_milliseconds/1000;
passed_seconds = parseInt(passed_seconds.toString());

var t;

function passing_time(){
passed_minutes = passed_minutes + 1;
passed_seconds = 0;
passed_hours = passed_hours + 1;
passed_minutes = 0;
passed_days = passed_days + 1;
passed_hours = 0;

document.getElementById("passing_time").innerHTML = passed_days+" days, "+passed_hours+" hours, "+passed_minutes+" minutes, "+passed_seconds+" seconds.";
passed_seconds = passed_seconds + 1;
t = setTimeout("passing_time()",1000);

<div id="passing_time"></div>



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